E-Pluribus Unum
Blessed is the nation whose God is the LORD; and the people whom he hath chosen for his own inheritance. (Psalms 33:12)
Behold, the eye of the LORD is upon them that fear him, upon them that hope in his mercy; To deliver their soul from death, and to keep them alive in famine. (Psalms 33:18-19)
SHORTLY AFTER THE DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE, the war that followed, and the hammering out of our governing documents in Philadelphia at Independence Hall, the Congress came to the issue of an official seal that could be made into a metal die and stamped onto all official documents and the money of the United States of America. There were two sides of the seal. (The eagle is on the front side.)
THE FRONT AND BACK OF THE SEAL ARE STAMPED ONTO OUR ONE-DOLLAR BILLS so that the poorest of Americans can see the heart of what America is all about. Here is an excellent article that goes into detail and I hope you will take the time to read it. It’s a keeper. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Great_Seal_of_the_United_States#1935_dollar_bill
THE NEW NATIONAL MOTTO: “In God We Trust” is also printed on our one dollar bills.
“E-pluribus unum” was the national motto until July 30, 1956. On that day, Congress passed a bill and President Eisenhower signed the change into law, officially making “In God We Trust” the national motto of the United States. Congress found “In God We Trust” to be a superior and more acceptable motto: than “E-pluribus Unum.”
(PERHAPS PRESIDENT EISENHOWER WAS REMEMBERING THE NIGHT before our troops went ashore on the beaches of Normandy, when he spent the night pacing the floor and praying for God’s help and protection over the men who would be going ashore. That memory may have made it easy for him to sign the new motto: “In God We Trust.”)
TODAY, I WANT TO FOCUS ON THE WORDS: E-Pluribus Unum, which is Latin for: “Out of many, one.” On the front side of the seal is an eagle, our national bird, which has in its right talons an olive branch. In its left talons a sheaf of 13 arrows. America is prepared to engage in peace or war. The beak of the eagle is turned toward the olive branch, indicating that we prefer peace, but if need-be, we are prepared for war.
OUR FOUNDING FATHERS WERE BRILLIANT AND EXPERIENCED MEN, chosen by the population to design and execute the formation of our nation. They needed a motto for the new nation, and they chose: “E-Pluribus Unum,” – “Out of many – one.” The success or failure of the founding of our nation depended upon the carrying out of that motto.
IN MY LIFETIME, A RESPECTED SCHOLAR: DR. R.J. RUSHDOONY, wrote a book: “The One and the Many.” I met him, read the book several times and finally gave it to a young minister. It is no small task for many to agree and act as one. There will always be vigorous debate in the hammering out of differences to act as one. That is the essence of “the experiment” that took place in Philadelphia. It was called an experiment because it had never been done before. Self-government, of the people and by the people is a delicate balance.
IT HAS BEEN SAID MANY TIMES IN OUR COUNTRY that freedom is never safe for more than one generation. The delicate fabric of freedom cannot be stretched but slightly before it tears and comes apart. Communism, “from each according to their ability,” and “to each, according to their need,” is foolish utopianism. It always ends up with a few elitists at the top living in luxury and everyone else is a peasant slave working at the point of a government gun. Millions of people have been put to death at the hands of their government, whether communism (where the government owns the property-Stalin, Mao) or fascism (where the people own the factories but are chained to the factories to do the bidding of government. Hitler)
OUR GOVERNMENT IS NOT A PURE DEMOCRACY. It is a republic. In a pure democracy, everyone gets to vote on every bill that is being considered. A town-hall situation. Of course, that is impossible. In a republic, we elect certain ones to represent us in making new laws or disposing of old laws. We operate under a constitution that limits and defines what kind of laws may be passed.
THEN WE HAVE A SUPREME COURT WHICH SITS IN JUDGEMENT on questionable laws to see if the laws are worthy to exist. Then, we have an executive branch of government that has been elected by the people to carry out the laws that have been passed. It is not perfect. But it is the most perfect form of human government ever devised.
OUR CONSTITUTION CAN ONLY BE CHANGED SLOWLY and with the greatest input from all the people of the nation who care to vote on the ones who are then going to vote on the modifying of the Constitution. If we are arrested for breaking a law, we have a right to a speedy trial at which we may attempt to defend ourselves.
IF WE ARE CHARGED WITH A CRIME WORTHY OF DEATH or prison, then we have the right to be tried before a jury of our peers. These few words are not intended to be a total explanation of our Republic. But it is important that we understand something of the system required for us to achieve: “Out of Many: One.” E-Pluribus Unum.
Read Through the Bible in a Year
A.M. Ecclesiastes 1-3 P.M. 2Corinthians 9
(Bible Gateway will read this to you if you like. Look for the speaker icon.)
A Good Verse to Memorize:
That they may know from the rising of the sun, and from the west, that there is none beside me. I am the LORD, and there is none else. (Isaiah 45:6)
Song for Today:
Battle Hymn of the Republic (5:18) (U.S. Army Field Band)
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