Saved To the Uttermost…
Wherefore he is able also to save them to the uttermost that come unto God by him, seeing he ever liveth to make intercession for them. (Hebrews 7:25)
HOW LONG WILL WE BE SAVED? Might we mess up and get kicked out? That’s what this verse is about. Christ can save people “from” the roughest side of town, from solitary confinement in the worst prison. But that’s not what this verse is about. It’s not about “from” the uttermost. It is about “to” the uttermost. That’s all you need to get fixed in your mind today.
WHEN YOU GET SAVED, He is able to keep on saving you ‘till the day of your death on earth. Then, He is able to keep on sustaining you throughout eternity because He is the high priest that never dies. He is our peace. He is our security. He is our sacrificial lamb. He never ceases to be all those things.
"HE EVER LIVETH." It says, first of all, that Christ is not dead, but He is living. Right at this very moment He is alive. We emphasize the death and resurrection of Christ, but we ought to go beyond that. We have to do with a living Christ. We know Him no longer after the flesh. We know Him today as our Great High Priest at God's right hand. My friend, that is where we need to put the emphasis. He died down here to save us, but He lives up there to keep us saved. (McGee)
"HE IS ABLE ALSO TO SAVE THEM TO THE UTTERMOST that come unto God by him." He is able to keep on saving you. "To the uttermost" means all the way through. He is able to save us completely and perfectly. He is the Great Shepherd who up to this very moment has never lost a sheep. Do you want to know something? He never will lose one. If you are one of His sheep, you may feel like you are going to be lost, but He is up there for you and He is watching over you. (McGee)
“WHEREFORE [BECAUSE HE IS THE EVER-LIVING, UNCHANGING HIGH PRIEST], He is able also to save them to the uttermost [completely, forever] that come unto God by Him, seeing He ever liveth to make intercession for them.” It is unfortunate that this verse is often read, “He is able to save from the uttermost” instead of “to the uttermost.” To be sure, it is true that Christ can save any sinner from any condition; but that is not the import of the verse. The emphasis is on the fact that He saves completely, forever, all who put their faith in Him. Because He is our High Priest forever, He can save forever. (Wiersbe)
JESUS IS ALSO OUR SHEPHERD. My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me: And I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish, neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand. My Father, which gave them me, is greater than all; and no man is able to pluck them out of my Father's hand. I and my Father are one. (John 10:27-30)
PAUL JOINS IN, stating that Christ will continue to do a good work in us. Being confident of this very thing, that he which hath begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ: (Philippians 1:6)
PAUL TELLS TIMOTHY THAT CHRIST IS ABLE TO KEEP HIM. For the which cause I also suffer these things: nevertheless I am not ashamed: for I know whom I have believed, and am persuaded that he is able to keep that which I have committed unto him against that day. (2Timothy 1:12)
JESUS SAYS WE HAVE PASSED FROM DEATH UNTO LIFE: Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that heareth my word, and believeth on him that sent me, hath everlasting life, and shall not come into condemnation; but is passed from death unto life. (John 5:24)
Read Through the Bible in a Year
A.M. Deuteronomy 3-4 P.M. Mark 11:20-33
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A Good Verse to Memorize:
Thy word have I hid in mine heart, that I might not sin against thee. (Psalm 119:11)
Song for Today:
There Is a Fountain (4:39) (Gaither-Vestal Goodman)
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Health Tip:
Intrinsic Factor and Other Stomach Features: (Intrinsic Factor: technical definition) is a glycoprotein secreted by parietal (humans) cells of the gastric mucosa. In humans, it has an important role in the absorption of vitamin B12 (cobalamin) in the intestine, and failure to produce or utilize intrinsic factor results in the condition pernicious anemia.”
TRANSLATED: this stuff enables us to absorb vitamin B-12 out of our food. The absence or deficiency of B-12 damages the nerves in our bodies. Severe shortage of B-12 is called “pernicious anemia.” This type of anemia is called “pernicious” because it was once considered a deadly disease. People who have no intrinsic factor can still get B-12 into their body by holding “soft” B-12 tablets under the tongue, or by taking B-12 shots. B-12 is one of the factors of body energy.
WITHOUT INTRINSIC FACTOR we cannot convert blood gastrin into stomach acid. For five-plus years I had very little stomach acid but didn’t know it. Finally, I found a doctor who had me swallow a radio capsule that measured the acid in my stomach and transferred the signal to a printing device across the room that printed a graph for the doctor to read. He prescribed acid tablets to be taken before meals. That helped a lot, but it was not the whole story.
NOT LONG AFTER THAT, Helicobacter Pylori, a stomach bacterium, was discovered and proven by an unheard-of doctor. The big-name doctors had missed it. It changed the whole medical profession’s view of the way it looks upon stomach ulcers. Another doctor, my gastroenterologist in Chattanooga, gave me an anti-biotic plus Pepto-Bismol to clear it up. The anti-biotic went deep and the Pepto-Bismol treated the surface of the stomach. When that healed, I had more stomach acid than I knew what to do with. Question: If I had had enough stomach acid, might the acid have killed the Helicobacter Pylori?
FROM MY HARVARD HEALTH NEWSLETTER, I had already learned, according to World Health Organization of the United Nations, that world-wide, there is a strong connection between stomach ulcers and stomach cancer. (There is also a strong connection between acid reflux and cancer of esophagus.) The World Health Organization surmised that the connection between stomach ulcers and stomach cancer lies in the continual healing process of damaged stomach tissue, which occurs more than with normal tissue maintenance. When a new cell misfires in its formation and becomes cancerous, it establishes a cancer in that area which then grows into full-blown cancer.
LATER,I DEVELOPED ACID REFLUX and began taking Prilosec to shut down the acid. I went to the drug store and bought the tablet form so I could cut it in half. 10mg keeps the acid at bay, but I take acid capsules with my cooked meals to aid digestion. I’m not finished with this problem. I’m not content to continue taking even a small amount of acid-blocker (Prilosec). Getting off it will send an avalanche of acid pouring out and will burn the esophagus. Been there, done that.
DOCTORS ACROSS AMERICA DON'T SEEM TO KNOW WHAT TO DO with acid reflux. Some doctors will look you in the eye and tell you that stomach acid is not necessary. I don’t believe them. God made no mistake in putting acid in the stomach. It kills many kinds of bacteria in the stomach and aids the stomach in digesting minerals and protein. There’s reason to believe that bone health/strength is dependent on good stomach acid. Be aware of this controversy among doctors and read for yourself on Google. Type in “stomach acid” and see what you find. You may want to begin your search with this link: Ω