Sevens in Scripture…
So the people rested on the seventh day. (Exodus 16:30)
THE NUMBER, "SEVEN," he number, “seven”, occurs in the King James Bible 463 times. “Seventh” occurs 120 times. If we notice the way the number is used in the Bible, it can teach us. “Seven” is the biblical number for perfection and completion. After creating the world, God rested on the seventh day. He did not rest because of growing tired—omnipotence (all-powerfull) does not grow tired, and God is omnipotent. Rather, God rested in the sense of completion and satisfaction. What God created was good and satisfying --- nothing else was needed. Therefore, He rested on the seventh day.
● “ON THE SEVENTH DAY OF THE WEEK, the children of Israel were to observe a Sabbath rest, patterned after God’s creation rest. They were to rest from all their labors (Exodus 16:23,30).
● “THE SEVENTH MONTH OF THE YEAR IS, according to the Scriptures, especially holy. In that month, all three fall feasts are observed (Leviticus 23:24, 27, 34).
● “THE NATION OF ISRAEL WAS COMMANDED TO REFRAIN FROM FARMING the ground every seventh year – to allow the soil to rest (Leviticus 25:4).
● “SEVENTY SEVENS OF YEARS WERE COUNTED (forty-nine years), and then the next year (the fiftieth) was to be the Jubilee year in which all debts were forgiven and all slaves set free (Leviticus 25:8-12).
● “SEVENTY SEVENS OF YEARS WERE "DETERMINED" upon the Jewish people during which time God would bring to perfection and completion His redemptive purposes (Daniel 9:24-27).
● “THE BOOK OF REVELATION RECORDS THE CONSUMMATION OF THIS AGE. It uses the number seven more than fifty times. Significantly, the book revolves around seven seals, seven trumpets, and seven bowls (Revelation 5:1,5; 6:8-9; 11:15-19; 15-16).
“THE SEVEN FEASTS OF THE LORD, then, are His “appointed times” during which He will meet with men for holy purposes. When completed, the seven holidays will bring this age to a triumphant end and usher in the “Golden Age: to follow. During that age, every man will sit under his own fig tree (Micah 4:4). That concept is not intended to suggest boredom or a lack of creativity and activity, but completion and satisfaction.
“FOUR OF THE SEVEN HOLIDAYS OCCUR IN THE SPRING OF THE YEAR. The fulfillment of those feasts,…”are a done deal.” That is to say, the events which the four spring feasts of the Lord typify in the Hebrew Scriptures have been fulfilled in the Messiah. In that sense, one can look back at and examine them. They are history. They occurred almost two thousand years ago. Their spiritual benefits, however, continue forward to the present hour.
“THE FINAL THREE HOLIDAYS OCCUR IN THE FALL OF THE YEAR within a brief period in the Hebrew month of Tishri (September/October). As the first four holidays depict evens associated with Messiah’s first coming, these final three holidays depict specific events associated with His second coming. Although these events are still future in terms of literal fulfillment, biblical faith may lay hold of and live in he light of their future blessings today. These final feasts form the basis for what the Bible calls the “blessed hope” (Titus 2:13).” (This article is made up largely of quotes from the book: “The Feasts of the Lord,” by Kevin Howard and Marvin Rosenthal)
THIS ARTICLE, "SEVENS IN SCRIPTURE," is in connection with the longer article: “The Feast of Tabernacles and More.” The Feast of Tabernacles was the seventh and last of the Lord’s Seven Feasts appointed for the Jewish nation of Israel.
STUDYING "THE FEASTS OF THE LORD" makes a strong statement in behalf of studying the whole Bible and not just a few books in the New Testament. We must realize that the nation of Israel and the Church are not the same thing, although they are intricately woven together by the mind and hand of God and are designed to endure forever.
OUR PURPOSE IN THIS ARTICLE IS NOT FOR THE BROAD SUBJECT OF NUMBERS in the Bible. But, numbers in the Bible are valuable tools of understanding. For example, seven is the number related to perfection. Six is the number for man. Five is the number for grace. Forty is the number of testing, etc.
STUDYING THE NUMBER "SEVEN" IN THE BIBLE and studying “The Feasts of the Lord” gives us strong reasons for studying the Old Testament along with the New Testament. The New Testament is NOT a complete Bible. The Old Testament makes strong statements of prophecy and the New Testament shows how the prophecies were fulfilled. My friend, we need all the Bible to have all of the Book of God. Ω
Read Through the Bible in a Year
A.M. Jeremiah 17-19 P.M. 1 Timothy 6
(Bible Gateway will read this to you if you like. Look for the speaker icon.)
A Good Verse to Memorize:
He that is of God heareth God's words: ye therefore hear them not, because ye are not of God. (John 8:47)
Song for Today:
My Hope Is Built (2:13) (Calv. Mem.Church Choir)
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