And they said, Should he deal with our sister as with an harlot? (Genesis 34:31)
Ye have heard that it was said by them of old time, Thou shalt not commit adultery: But I say unto you, That whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery with her already in his heart. (Matthew 5:27-28)
Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ; (2Corinthians 10:5)
(Regard)The elder women as mothers; the younger as sisters, with all purity. (1Timothy 5:2)
JACOB/ISRAEL AND HIS LITTLE FAMILY were sojourners among a much larger group of people who knew and owned the land. When their delicate sister, Dinah, of some 12 or 13 years of age, wandered off to see the village, she was spotted, seduced and raped by one of the young men. His father wanted permission for his son to marry Dinah. Dinah’s brothers made a false deal with them that if they would all be circumcised… the deal was on.
SO THE COMMUNITY OF THE YOUNG MAN AGREED, and they were all circumcised. On the third day when they were all very sore, Dinah’s brothers came upon them and killed them all and took Dinah with them. They also took all the cattle and all the women and children. It was a complete slaughter.
JACOB WAS IN TROUBLE. The surrounding area would gather together and kill all of Jacob’s family, he said. The sons answered him: “Should he deal with our sister as with an harlot?” God intervened and told Jacob to arise and go to Bethel and dwell there. If God had not intervened, it’s likely that the surrounding people would, indeed, have slaughtered Jacob and his whole family.
WE MIGHT DO WELL TO ENTITLE THIS ARTICLE: “The Battleground.” In 1980, Tim LaHaye wrote: The Battle for the Mind, a best-seller, still online. I read it when it first came out. It shook me up pretty good and caused me to realize the mental and spiritual warfare that has been going on for centuries.
IN RECENT WEEKS, THE NATIONAL NEWS MEDIA HAS BEEN RUNNING STORIES about the big problem of Catholic priests abusing young boys in hundreds of Catholic churches. Forbidding priests to marry was a big mistake, in my opinion. It went against God’s basic design of male and female and His plan for families to be formed. But we must be honest about this. The raping of young boys within the church is not limited to the Catholic Church. We’re seeing the lid blown off and it’s really bad. But other denominations have their problems with this too, and with other forms of violating God’s laws about sexuality. Southern Baptists are beginning to examine themselves and to make suggestions to safeguard the children in their ranks.
JOYCE MEYER, WHO DRAWS THOUSANDS OF MOSTLY WOMEN IN HER MEETINGS, confesses openly that her blood father raped her over 200 times when she was growing up in her home. She shares her story of the damage it did to her and her journey toward forgiving her father. Many of the women who come to hear her speak have their own stories of hurtful violations against them as children. That’s one of the reasons they come to hear her speak. She’s from the Pentecostal/Charismatic branch.
WHEN I WAS A PASTOR OF A BAPTIST CHURCH, one day my secretary asked if she could tell me her story. Her father had sexually abused her when she was a little girl and she had carried the burden through life. She needed to tell someone she could trust. That’s not preaching time. That’s listening time. I’ve listened to many stories. There are a lot of wounded people among us who were abused as children, in many ways. It’s not just the Catholics. It’s not right, regardless of what brand it is.
THE STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA SOUGHT DEAL WITH THE PROBLEM of child abuse by officially placing itself as the primary custodian of all children. They could then conveniently intervene into any home and remove children when the parents were not living up to the State’s ideal of what a parent should be doing in several areas.
BUT THIS WAS AN OVERREACH AND WE FOUGHT IT until they rewrote the defining statement of the law. It would have been a big mistake. But still, children continue to be abused by adults and it is so sad. We must remember that the ultimate abuse of children is when the expectant mother signs the papers for the doctor to kill her baby in the womb. When people are wrong with God, the women and children always suffer the most.
PAUL WROTE GOOD WORDS OF INSTRUCTION: (Regard)The elder women as mothers; the younger as sisters, with all purity. (1Timothy 5:2)
THE SOLUTION TO RIGHT BEHAVIOR BEGINS AND ENDS WITH RIGHT THINKING. A man is most often affected by what he sees and is the aggressive one. A man must guard his mind if he wants to do the right thing. In the church, men are to regard the older women as mothers and regard the younger women as sisters and do it in such a way as to be pure in mind and pure in behavior.
IF A MAN IS THINKING WRONG, HE MUST THINK RIGHT, IMMEDIATELY! The way to do that is to think of the young woman as a sister. She is not to be a sexual target. To make it easier, a man can get in the habit of thinking: “Sister.” “Sister.” “Sister.” Got it? “Sister!” And avoid the pornography thing. If you’re into pornography, get on your knees and cry out to God about it. Burn your pornographic books and magazines. If your pornography is coming through the internet, give your compute away. I’m dead serious.
I’VE HEARD TRAINED AND SEASONED CHRISTIAN COUNSELORS say that the only thing that will control seasoned pornographers is a vibrant program of Bible reading and Bible memorization. The mind thinks all the time when one is awake. One cannot NOT think! So, replace pornographic thoughts with the Word of God. Memorize the Psalms, many Psalms and recite them over and over. Fill your mind with the Word of God. Get back to regarding women as your sisters that you respect.
THE MISMANAGEMENT OF THE MIND is one of the most destructive things there is. Paul said to bring every thought unto the captivity of Christ. That’s your mission. Do it! Ω
Read Through the Bible in a Year
A.M. Numbers 5-6 P.M. Mark 4:1-20
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A Good Verse to Memorize:
Evening, and morning, and at noon, will I pray, and cry aloud: and he shall hear my voice. (Psalm 55:17
Song for Today:
Have Thine Own Way, Lord (3:04) (Jim Reeves)
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Health Tip:
NEXT TO DRINKING ENOUGH WATER, I believe the next important thing is getting enough fiber. It’s more important than what you eat or how much exercise you get. About 1980, I read the book: “The Save Your Life Diet” by David Reuben, M.D. I’ve read it several times and I’m passing on to you a quote from his book: P.xi. “For five years I watched my father die slowly of cancer of the colon. I made sure he had the finest doctors in the country and the most advanced treatment available. It didn’t make any difference because the slow-growing cancer relentlessly destroyed him."
IT BOTHERED DR. REUBEN and he set out to learn more. He noticed a small article in a medical journal suggesting restoring roughage to the modern diet. For four years he read everything in scientific material he could find on roughage in human disease. Then he said: “I am now convinced that not only could my father’s life have been saved, but millions of other cancer victims would be alive today if they had simply been able to add a few cents’ worth of vegetable fiber to their diet.” He ended up taking raw miller’s bran from wheat. His book took America by storm and cereal companies began hawking their fiber cereals. We need at least 24 grams of fiber a day. You may want to try the raw miller’s wheat bran and see which is better for you.
I TRY TO GET DOWN A HEAPING TABLESPOON of PSYLLIUM WHOLE HUSKS by Yerba Prima, twice a day with plenty of water. After a brief introductory period, you probably won’t be taking any kind of laxatives. Psyllium works better than raw miller’s bran. I urge you to go to Amazon Books and buy a copy of Dr. Reuben’s “The Save Your Life Diet.”
In 1974 the Journal of he American Medical Association had already published “Dietary Fiber and Disease, August 19, 1974. And the Medical World News published “Roughage in the Diet” September 6, 1974. But the articles might as well have been buried under the Washington Monument. Doctors were not reading them.