The Children…
…children are an heritage of the LORD: and the fruit of the womb is his reward. As arrows are in the hand of a mighty man; so are children of the youth. Happy is the man that hath his quiver full of them: they shall not be ashamed, but they shall speak with the enemies in the gate. (Psalm 127:3-5)
THE WORD "CHILDREN," OCCURS 1,822 TIMES in the King James Bible. No treasure on earth is as great as God’s gift of children. God allows us to participate with Him in creating people to inhabit the earth and to populate Heaven. Children are the only thing we have made that we can take with us into Heaven. There is no greater sin than the abuse and murder of children.
I ATTENEDED THE FUNERAL OF A WOMAN WHO DIED with her baby. The woman lay in her casket and beside her was the infant baby, cradled in the mother’s arm. While in the womb, the baby had acquired a poisoned condition the doctors could not stop. The baby poisoned the mother and they both died. The mother would not abort the child to save her own life. This is unusual, but I personally witnessed this sad situation.
IT SELDOM HAPPENS, BUT OCCASIONALLY, AN EXPECTANT MOTHER may develop a life-threatening condition, a heart condition, etc. and she must decide if she will sacrifice the child to save her own life. If she has other children that need her, she may decide to sacrifice the unborn child to save her own life. The weight of that decision will follow her all of her life.
BUT THAT IS NOT THE CASE WITH MOST OF THE SIXTY MILLION BABIES who have died in the abortion mills, the slaughter houses of innocent babies since January 1973. In those places, each mother has signed a piece of paper, giving the abortionist permission to kill her baby. The mother is required to sign the death warrant of her child. The NAZI’s were meticulous in their paperwork for killing six million Jews. We have the paperwork for killing SIXTY million babies. Hitler had his SIX MILLION. We have our SIXTY MILLION. Hitler was a bad, bad man. But we are nice people.
YES, IN OUR NICE BUILDINGS, NICE DOCTORS have taken forceps and pulled the arms and legs off living babies and dropped the body parts in a pan. A nice nurse is there to reassemble the baby to make sure all the parts are there and that nothing has been left inside the mother to make her insides rot. Maybe we are not so nice. Maybe we are hypocrites and ten times worse than Hitler?
IN 1973, OUR SUPREME COURT JUSTICES SIGNED A PAPER that said it was ok to kill babies in the womb. Harry Blackmun (Nixon, R) Warren Burger (Nixon, R) William Douglas (FDR, D) William Brennan (Eisenhower, R) Potter Stewart (Eisenhower, R) Thurgood Marshall (LBJ, D)
ROE v. WADE WAS A 1973 LANDMARK DECISION BY THE U.S. SUPREME COURT... The decision was 7-2, with Chief Justice Warren E. Burger and six other Justices voting for "Jane Roe", and justices William Rehnquist and Byron White voting against it. The decision divided the nation and is still controversial today. (PLEASE NOTE: Four of the justices voting for abortion were Republican appointees. One of the seven is missing from the above list. Dan Carr)
Without understanding, covenantbreakers, without natural affection,(hard hearted) implacable, unmerciful: Who knowing the judgment of God, that they which commit such things are worthy of death, not only do the same, but have pleasure in them that do them. (Romans 1:31-32)
LAST WEEK A VOTE FAILED IN THE U.S. SENATE THAT WOULD HAVE PROTECTED newborn babies surviving an abortion. The Senate voted 53-44 in favor of legislation that would protect survivors of abortion, falling short of the necessary 60 votes to proceed as Democrats blocked the bill when only three of them joining the Republicans.
DEMOCRAT SENATORS: Doug Jones of Alabama, Joe Manchin of West Virginia, and Bob Casey Jr. of Pennsylvania were the only Democrats to vote for the bill. All other 44 Democratic senators voted against the bill to save the lives of abortion-surviving babies.
REPUBLICAN SENATORS: Lisa Murkowski of Alaska, Tim Scott of South Carolina, and Kevin Cramer of North Dakota were not present for the vote. (Why didn’t these Republicans vote?)
THE BORN-ALIVE ABORTIONS SURVIVORS PROTECTION ACT would have mandated that babies born alive during an abortion would receive “the same degree of professional skill and care to protect the newborn as would be offered to any other child born alive at the same gestational age,” ( abortion/? utm_source=TDS_Email&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Top5&mkt_tok=eyJpIjoiT0daalpXRTBaamt6TWpoaiIsInQiOiJ6UVhBd2YwUDVoVUoraUpJWFwvdWtjVVhDdjU3bEE3ZnV2VTJ6WXZMNzlrb3M2Qm1laE9DNXlMUXRlV0JNMmU1dUNocVFNTVVJTktEUG5vRmZrVDdvYklQN3JNbktGQ2dXejJ6QkJnV2FZME5hdUFaSTBmXC9uMUlteWd2bk9xQnJ0In0%3D
HAS AMERICA LOST ITS SOUL? Losing our natural affection for human babies means that its much easier to kill anyone who gets in the way. We have created for ourselves a culture of death. If you would kill an innocent baby, I’m afraid of you. Loss of natural affection has made it necessary to have armed guards in our schools and churches and places of work.
LOSS OF NATURAL AFFECTION HAS MADE IT NECESSARY for many thousands of people to begin carrying guns for their own protection. Remember this: no doctor in America can legally kill an unborn child until the child’s mother signs a paper, authorizing the murder of her child. She does the suffering and the doctor makes the money.
MONEY-GREED AND LOSS OF NATURAL AFFECTION means the death of a thousand babies today, and tomorrow, and the next day and the next day. The NAZI’s were ruthless killers but they don’t compare with Americans that kill the most helpless people…for the money.
I’M NOT VOTING FOR PEOPLE WHO ARE GOING TO FUNNEL TAX PAYER'S MONEY into the slaughter of innocent babies. Children are an heritage of the Lord. It matters to me what the Lord thinks about it. Ω
Read Through the Bible in a Year
MARCH 4, 2017 – MONDAY
A.M. Numbers 32-33 P.M. Mark 10:1-31
(Bible Gateway will read this to you if you like. Look for the speaker icon.)
Good Verse to Memorize:
My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee, that thou shalt be no priest to me: seeing thou hast forgotten the law of thy God, I will also forget thy children. As they were increased, so they sinned against me: therefore will I change their glory into shame. (Hosea 4:6-7)
Song for Today:
The Great Judgment Morning (3:47) (Calv.Mem.Ch. Jacob Francis)
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