The Earthquake
And, behold, the veil of the temple was rent in twain from the top to the bottom; and the earth did quake, and the rocks rent; (Matthew 27:51)
WHEN JESUS PROCLAIMED: “It is finished!” and followed it with a great wordless cry of victory, He commended His spirit into the hands of His Father. Along with this came a mighty earthquake. We note that this was not an earthquake of a trifling magnitude. Rocks did not merely crack but broke in two. At the same time, the earthquake did not disturb the solid rock structure of the Temple. It did not displace the cross while it shook the hill of Calvary. The earthquake opened graves but not all graves. They were the graves of saints.
“IT SEEMED AS THOUGH THE EARTHQUAKE WERE A LIVING THING; whose divine intelligence discriminated that various dead at Golgotha. It seemed as if it sensed the meaning of that shout of victory. It seemed to indicate the program that was to follow and to preinitiate the Savior’s victory for His saints by His resurrection on the third day.
“NOW, BECAUSE OF ALL THESE INCIDENCES, how plain it is that the earthquake at Calvary was not such as nature ever causes. Rather, it was nature lifted out of the course of nature; lifted solely and independently by an act of God…(Nicholson)
IT WAS AS THOUGH THE EARTHQUAKE HAD AN ACTIVE PART TO PLAY in the great display God was making before a million people who had gathered in Jerusalem for Passover celebration. Was there ever such a collection of testimony at any Passover Feast down through the centuries? The answer is, “No! There was never such a display of such power and design as to portray the crucial message: The Lamb of God, slain before the foundation of the world has just been slain!”
THE EARTHQUAKE HAD A GREAT TASK TO PERFORM: It had to open the graves and get things ready for the upcoming resurrection of many saints who are going to walk out of those newly opened graves. What we are saying here is that the earthquake was the mighty director of an integrated drama. No one could avoid noticing the earthquake as it shook the ground under the feet of a million people and yet was so selective in its breaking of rock in two and opening graves. It was a symphony with the tympani drums rolling at their utmost, climaxing in the clash of symbols and the rolling of the earth.
THE EARTHQUAKE HAD A WITNESSING FUNCTION OF ITS OWN, in breaking rocks, opening graves and reducing the bravery of seasoned Roman soldiers who had faced death many times but who had never stood in the presence of so great a shaking of the earth. Now when the centurion, and they that were with him, watching Jesus, saw the earthquake, and those things that were done, they feared greatly, saying, Truly this was the Son of God. (Matthew 27:54)
WE HAVE YET TO REVIEW GOD'S DISPLAY AT MT. SINAI when God thundered and shook the earth in preparation for the announcing of His law through the hands of Moses. We also must look at what the mighty hand of God is going to do in the latter days as this age draws to a close, and the great rendering of the earth at the close of the millennium in preparation for the new heaven and new earth.
GOD DOES NOT HESITATE TO USE HIS MIGHTY POWER over the earth He created as a means of communicating with men who will not have God to rule over them. The shaking of the earth has only begun. There is much yet to come. At present, we must be careful not to ignore the role of the mighty earthquake that occurred when Jesus hurled His last cry as He gave up the ghost and departed from the cross. Ω
Read Through the Bible in a Year
APRIL 15, 2019 – MONDAY
A.M. 1 Sam 17-18 P.M. Luke: 15:1-10
(Bible Gateway will read this to you if you like. Look for the speaker icon.)
Good Memory Verse:
Therefore let all the house of Israel know assuredly, that God hath made that same Jesus, whom ye have crucified, both Lord and Christ. (Act 2:36)
Song for Today:
Christ Arose (3:08) – (Samonte – ACapella Choir)
You may need to adjust your volume control
Health Tip:
Family Health Library. PLEASE NOTE: I am not a health care professional of any kind. I do not diagnose disease and do not prescribe cures. However, I like to know things and have been writing articles of various kinds since high school days when I took typing and wrote an article or two for the Homestead Trailblazer (… did I get that right?) Several things have motivated me to learn and share, and the Internet is a good medium for that.
I WAS ORDAINED AS A PASTOR AT AGE 19, which doesn’t seem long ago, but now, at 84, it must have been a while back. The bottom line for better health for less money is: read and do.
WE ARE NOT BORN TO LIVE LONG ON THE EARTH, but we can shorten or lengthen it slightly (sometimes greatly) by what we do. Along the way I have read 500+ books on health and found that less than 100 were worth reading or consulting a second time.
I’M BEING REMINDED TO PROVIDE THE LIST I PROMISED of the 25 most-needed books… books by Davis, Gerson, Howell, Huggins, Jensen, Malkmus, Walker, Wigmore, Reuben, Wark, Perlmutter, etc.
THE FIRST THREE ARE BELOW. Along with this will be several online links of outstanding health sources of today, such as medical reporter Lorie Johnson who reports on CBN news most Wednesdays . (Lorie has survived a bout with melanoma cancer.) The People’s Pharmacy e-letter is a great tool to have coming into your reading. It’s a free sign-up. Just set up a folder for saving it for future reference.
THE FIRST BOOK IS THE BIBLE, which has a strong diet and life-practice built into it that lengthens life. Every home needs a copy of the MERCK MANUAL OF MEDICAL EXAMINATION-HOME EDITION (1,500 pages). Get a used copy at Amazon. MERCK claims to be the oldest continually published medical book (since 1899). I use it often. It is the heart of mainstream medical practice. (Mainstream is not the only stream, however.
THERE'S ANOTHER IMPORTANT BRANCH OF HEALTH STUDY based on diet, herbs and simple plant-based remedies, exercise and rest that have worked well for centuries.)
FOR EXAMPLE, DAVID REUBEN, M.D. WROTE: THE SAVE YOUR LIFE DIET, the nationwide bestseller on high-fiber protection from six of the most serious diseases of American life.” He wrote this book after watching his own father slowly die from colon cancer. He researched over 600 medical papers presented by 500+ medical writers and then wrote his book on fiber in the diet. You need this book! Read it…practice it for life.
WHEN I BEGAN VISITING HOSPITALS IN 1953, the connection between diet and disease had not yet been “invented.” When that generation of doctors passed off the scene, the new generation of doctors began to see the diet/disease connection and the pendulum has been steadily swinging toward a diet/disease connection ever since.
WE HAVE THE BEST HEALTHCARE SYSTEM IN THE WORLD, but it takes the best of modern medical discovery plus the oldest of proven practices to have the best health and longest life possible. It’s not one or the other; it’s both together. But, the greatest single factor of better health and lowering health costs is through change of diet. Heart attacks, strokes and cancer are all diet related. They are the leading killers in that order. (The greatest killer is abortion.) Ω