The Sun Will Come Up Wednesday
This is the day which the LORD hath made; we will rejoice and be glad in it. (Psalm 118:24)
The king's heart is in the hand of the LORD, as the rivers of water: he turneth it whithersoever he will. (Proverbs 21:1)
WEDNESDAY WILL BE THE DAY AFTER THE NATIONAL MID-TERM ELECTIONS IN AMERICA. The sun will come up as has been the custom. The God of Heaven does not run for office, does not depend on votes from humans or angels. He is still in charge of the universe. I say: “elections” because Tuesday is “election day,” a day of many elections in America. The turn-out of voters on the mid-term election day, is almost always half the number that turn out for the presidential election day.
WE WILL BE VOTING ON BEHALF OF THE UNBORN BABIES in the wombs of their mothers. These are the little people who have no voice. A thousand unborn babies are murdered every day in America. Every elective abortion stops a beating heart. So, we will be voting for them. But, if my side does not win, it won’t help anything to behave like the devil and make a lot of noise. For thus saith the Lord GOD, the Holy One of Israel; In returning and rest shall ye be saved; in quietness and in confidence shall be your strength:….(Isaiah 30:15)
GOD CAN WORK WITH TORNADOES or He can work with a soft, gentle rain to make vast acreages of grain to grow and feed multitudes of people. Our God is an awesome God and He cares more about the murdering of babies than I can ever care. He cared about the children being passed through the fire in Bible times and He cares about the babies being torn apart in the wombs of their mothers today.
Our elected officials should be foremost in our daily prayers. Except the LORD build the house, they labour in vain that build it: except the LORD keep the city, the watchman waketh but in vain. (Psalm 127:1)
ON SUNDAY, DECEMBER , 1941, JAPANESE WAR PLANES bombed ships of the American Navy that were anchored in Pearl Harbor. I had just turned 7 and remember standing behind the circle of my family as they listened to the battery-powered radio give out the news all afternoon. 2,335 Americans were killed, 1,143 wounded and 18 ships sunk or run aground. The sun came up the next day. World-wide, that war cost the lives of 60 million people. When it was over, the sun came up the next day.
TO SAY THAT THE SUN WILL COME UP, TOMOROW, is a way of saying that regardless of what happens, God is still there and is still in charge of the world and its people.
WHEN THINGS GO AGAINST US, we may wonder how it can ever be fixed, it is so bad. We leave a family member in the grave and it could not be worse. Dear friend, this old world is a hard place to be as well as a wonderful place to be. A day can really hurt bad. The telephone or the front door can almost destroy us with bad news.
WHEN IT COMES YOUR WAY, YOU CAN UNDERSTAND WHY some of the old songs are in the church hymnal. “This world is not my home, I’m just a passing through…” “What a day that will be, when my Jesus I shall see…” “Oh the land of an unclouded day…” “I care not today what the ‘morrow may bring, If shadow or sunshine or rain, The Lord I know ruleth o’er everything, And all of my worry is vain.”
JUST A WORD ABOUT THE DIVISION OF AMERICA: it didn’t begin in our lifetime. Right now, we are more divided than we have been for a while. It began a short time after America was founded. Our government began with a one-party system. It became two parties after we won the war with England. Thomas Jefferson became an American Ambassador to France (after Benjamin Franklin). France and England got into a war with each other and we wanted to trade with both countries. Thomas Jefferson strongly favored France and he is given credit for influencing a second party that would back an alliance with France.
WE WERE PRESSED TO TAKE SIDES WITH EITHER ENGLAND OR FRANCE. It divided our country and out of that came our two-party system. So, we have been a divided nation of two parties almost from the beginning. Each side has kept up with the dirt on the other party, so they can vote them out of office…which has been a good thing, in my opinion. “Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely.” (Lord Acton, a British historian of the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries.)
THIS EXPLANATION OF THE HISTORY OF OUR DIVIDED NATION may not suit some people, but I offer it as a beginning place to do your reading and research and come up with your own opinion. At times we have been more divided than at other times. On December 7, 1941, we unified as a nation in one day against the Japanese and then against Germany and Italy. In one generation, some students in the public schools did not want to salute the American flag. We divided over the Vietnam War.
WE DON'T YET HAVE A HANDLE ON HOW TO BE ONE NATION. It’s like being “one” with the arch enemy of your local high school in your county. It suits us better if we are “us” and “them.” We seem to be geared that way.
BUT,THEN WE RUN UP AGAINST THE BIBLE THAT SAYS: There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus. (Galatians 3:28) And: …Every kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation; and a house divided against a house falleth. (Luke 11:17)
FROM OUR UNIVERSITIES, WE HAVE HAD AN UNHEALTHY AMOUNT OF INDOCTRINATION of students against the United States and it has continued to this day. But I notice that we have a lot of people trying to get into this country because it’s not too good back home where they’re coming from. The United States may not be the bad place some of the college professors would have our young people to believe.
IT'S IMPORTANT TO REALIZE THOUGH, THAT WE ARE A NATION OF LAWS and we do have borders just like we have locks on our doors and locks on our car, and keys. We don’t just invite strangers in to sleep on the couch and take whatever they want. Same way with our nation having doors. When people barge into our country, it strains the hospitals and schools and police departments to take care of them. All of that stuff is not free. Somebody must pay for it. America is the most generous and compassionate nation on earth. But, even America is not rich enough to feed and care for the whole world. There is no such thing as a free lunch. Somebody has to plant seed, harvest crops, operate stores.
THE CHRISTIAN WAY OF LIFE REQUIRES ORDER. Jesus said so. When He fed the multitudes he had them to sit down in little groups and to pick up the fragments of fish so that nothing was wasted. When I brake the five loaves among five thousand, how many baskets full of fragments took ye up? They say unto him, Twelve. And when the seven (loaves) among four thousand, how many baskets full of fragments took ye up? And they said, Seven. (Mark 8:19-20)
IF YOU ARE A CHRISTIAN, YOUR BIBLE HAS TOLD YOU TO PRAY for those in authority over you regardless of which side wins. God will cause the sun to come up every day and you have your responsibilities laid out for you. Prayer is not a meaningless thing. Prayer is a powerful thing. I know, I know…it’s a lot easier to whine and complain than to pray. I understand that. But it doesn’t change what God has told us to do. Get into your Bible
and get on your knees. The people in government on your behalf, need your earnest prayers. Good government is a very hard job.
Read Through the Bible in a Year
A.M. Jeremiah 40-42 P.M. Hebrews 2
(Bible Gateway will read this to you if you like. Look for the speaker icon.)
Good Verses to Memorize:
I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men; For kings, and for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty. For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Saviour; (1Timothy 2:1-3)
Song for Today:
The Battle Hymn of the Republic (4:53) The U.S. Army Chorus
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