For thou hast possessed my reins: thou hast covered me in my mother's womb. I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made:
Marvellous are thy works; and that my soul knoweth right well. My substance was not hid from thee, when I was made in secret, and curiously wrought in the lowest parts of the earth. (Or, of the body.) (Psalms139:13-15.)
FOR THOU HAST POSSESSED MY REINS - “possessed” (to set upright, erect, as a cane or reed is upright and erect. Included is the idea of being made, created (Genesis 14:19, 22) as God created the heavens and the earth.
THE WORD "REINS" MEANS LITERALLY THE "KIDNEYS," and then, it comes to denote the inward part, the mind, the soul, the seat of the desires, affections, and passions. Jeremiah 11:20. Psalm 7:9; Job 19:27. The meaning here is, that God had made him; that the innermost recesses of his being had been constituted as they are by God; and that, “therefore,” God must be able to see all that there is in the very depths of the soul, however it may be hidden from the eye of man. (Bible Knowledge Commentary)
THOU HAST COVERED ME IN MY MOTHER'S WOMB -The word here rendered “cover” means properly to interweave; to weave; to knit together, and the literal translation would be, “Thou hast “woven” me in my mother’s womb, meaning that God had put his parts together, as one who weaves cloth, or who makes a basket.
THE ORIGINAL WORD HAS, HOWEVER, ALSO THE IDEA OF PROTECTING as in a booth or hut, woven or knit together - to wit, of boughs and branches. The first signification (above) best suits the connection; and then the sense would be, that as God had made him - as he had formed his members, and united them in a bodily frame and form before he was born - he must be able to understand all his thoughts and feelings. As he was not concealed from God before he saw the light. (BKC)
AND NOW, LOOK AT THIS: Thine eyes did see my substance, yet being unperfect; and in thy book all my members were written, which in continuance were fashioned, when as yet there was none of them. (Psalms 139:16) God is making this child from a blueprint in His book. In medical schools, the parts of a body are identified in anatomy class/book and given names and numbers. it is a human being inside the womb before it is born to the outside.
EVERY PART OF OUR BODY IS IN THE BOOK OF GOD'S BLUEPRINTS. Every abortion stops a beating heart. Every abortion seizes God’s work of creation of another human being. When a child is killed in the womb, it is an affront against the sovereignty of God as much as it would be to snatch a sleeping child out of its crib and put it to death.
I AGREE WITH DAVID ABOUT BEING FEARFULLY AND WONDERFULLY MADE. Design! Everything around us was designed by Almighty God! Did you watch The City of the Bees in the last Morning Minute? (There was a link.) Today, I’m including a link to The Red River of Life video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2g4HfttXsyY&t=10s (28 minutes) Very interesting! Like the City of The Bees, I first watched this by means of a 16mm film. It was copyrighted in 1957. Increasing our attention to God’s creation is important to God and vital to our faith, especially for the young people of today.
HALF-WAY THROUGH THE VIDEO, you will see an actual human heart, whose owner donated it to scientists to use in study and teaching. The heart is installed in a special apparatus that enables the heart to beat and pump liquid. By special cameras, you will see inside different compartments of the heart while it is pumping. You will also study the red blood cell. Be amazed by what you see! We are fearfully and wonderfully made! Ω
Read Through the Bible in a Year
November 6, 2019 – WEDNESDAY
A.M. Jeremiah 43-45 P.M. Hebrews 3
(Bible Gateway will read this to you if you like. Look for the speaker icon.)
Great Verse to Memorize:
Know ye that the LORD he is God: it is he that hath made us, and not we ourselves; we are his people, and the sheep of his pasture. (Psalms 100:3) (Cut a 3x5 card in half and put a verse on each half-card
Song for Today:
How Great Thou Art (3:45) – (Royal Hall London?)
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